The Sankofa Identity Program is an after-school curriculum for Black studentsÂ
grades six to eight, virtually on Wednesdays at 5:00pm to 6:30pm and two Saturday’s per month in person 10am to 1 pm at Bur Oak Secondary School, Markham Ontario . Like the other programs it to promotes cultural identity and exposed students to African and Caribbean culture. Students will be given tools to make a smooth transition to adolescence and to be able to reflect on their behaviors to make better choices. They will also gain life skills that will assist them in developing leadership, community connection and personal goals.
The program was developed in the following structure:
- Exploration of Black Culture – language, customs, arts, music, food, drama
- Rooted in an Africentric framework
- It highlights the principles of the Nguzo Saba – (The Seven Principles) Unity, Self-Determination Collective Work and Responsibility, Cooperative Economics, Purpose, Creativity, Faith, and Self-Respect